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A Rose for Emily-William Faulkner
Nor would she be able to be a spouse and mother like others. Her dad's overprotection is clearly the base of every one of her giants. (I...
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Women In Ywain Essays - Knights Of The Round Table, Stock Characters
Women In Ywain In Chr?tien de Troyes' Ywain, women represent the moral virtue and arch of all mid-evil civilization. Women of this time had to be an object of love, which meant they had to have beauty, goodness, and be truthful. They had to be a representative of all chivalrous ideals. They also act as civilizing influences throughout the story. Women are put in the story to give men a reason for acting brave and noble. Men become knights in order to demonstrate to women that they are strong and capable of defending themselves against danger. This, they hope, will win the women's heart. In mid-evil times, the first-born son of a landowner is entitled to his father's estate, while other sons and daughters are not given anything. Knights are usually not the first-born son, and thusly do not receive any grants of land from their father. If a landowner only has a daughter, she becomes an heiress, and inherits her fathers land but has to find a husband to take over this land. A knight's dream is to marry a wealthy heiress, and become a landowner. People become knights in order to battle other knights, to show their courage, and win the respect of these heiresses, so they will be able to gain an estate of their own and move up the social scale. Chr?tien tells a story that would entertain the desires of knights and give the hope that they to would be able to find a damsel just like Ywain did. Early in the story, Ywain battles and defeats a knight, who, mortally wounded, flees to his castle. Ywain pursues him, but upon reaching the castle, he is trapped by the portcullis, which crashes down upon him, killing his horse. He is rescued by Lunette, the companion of the dead knight's wife. He then falls in love with the grieving widow of the knight, Alundyne, whom he has just slain; subsequently, he marries her and becomes the protector of her property. In doing this, Ywain has just done what every knight dreams of, marring a wealthy damsel and taking over her land. Women in the story all seem to be described as beautiful, which leads me believe that this was indeed written to attract the attention of knights and make them think that they too could find themselves a gorgeous damsel to marry. Lunete is described as a handsome brunette, very discreet, shrewd, and intelligent. Another example of this is when many of Arthur's knights are joined by some ninety ladies, each of who are handsome, well-mannered, noble, sophisticated, prudent, and wise, persons of high lineage. So, part of a woman's role in the story is to be an object of love, and representative of the chivalrous ideals, which all Knights believe in. Women in this story act as civilizing influences, which lead, guide and calm those they talk to. Ywain is considered a great knight who is always looking for adventure, and not always acting properly. He is portrayed as arrogant, the type of person who would do anything to become the perfect knight, no matter what the cost. Then he meets a woman he loves and gets married. Alundyne brings about a change in Ywain that makes him realize he does not have to be a perfect knight and he learns to act properly. Ywain acts uncivilized when his wife leaves him for breaking his vow to her, and seems to go crazy. He runs into the woods and reverts back to primitiveness by stripping naked and staying in the forest. He seems to lose his mind, when his woman leaves him. The Queen's servant, a woman, finds him there and anoints him. She brings about a calming influence on Ywain, that apparently brings him back to a sane state of mind, making him act much more civilized. Chr?tien was writing this story to entice the imaginations of his audience, and his main audience was probably knights. He depicts women as a civilizing influence that will calm them down and allow them to become landowners. Marrying an heiress, as Alundyne is, would give them property and raise their social class. This too is a civilizing influence since they would
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Religious Social Education Coursework Christianity Essay Example
Religious Social Education Coursework Christianity Essay Example Religious Social Education Coursework Christianity Essay Religious Social Education Coursework Christianity Essay I visited Socketts Heath Baptist Church in Grays; it was originally Clarence Road Baptist Church in 1893. Then in 1933, the church was moved to its present location on Premier Avenue.The main parts of the interior of a church are:Pews: the pews in the church are used to seat the Christians who attend Church. Near the back of main assembly hall are some chairs just in case extra seating space is required. Before the 15th Century the sick and the old were the only people allowed to sit down on the Pews, whilst all the other people would have had to stand. In the 17th century pews were boxed in, and furnished with padded seats and hat pegs. The church I am studying has pews.The Cross-: Directly above the Communion Table is a cross. The symbol of a cross is symbolic of the cross that Jesus was nailed to.The Communion Table: The communion table is a major article within the church. Bread, wine and the Bible are the main objects, which are placed on the communion table. The communion table is placed at the front of the church so the entire congress can see it. The vicar also performs services there. However, at certain times of the year such as Christmas, the people walk down the aisle to the Alter where they receive the bread and wine from the Vicar. A table is used because in Luke chapter 22 verse 14 it states, when the time came, Jesus took His place at the table.Communion is often called The Breaking Of The Bread or The Lords Supper. The reason it is known as either these two because Jesus performed these actions before he died.In Luke chapter 22 verses 17-20 describe how Jesus first gave communion with his disciples, Then Jesus took some bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to the apostles saying This is my body, which I am giving for you do this to remember me. In the same way, after supper, Jesus took the cup and said, This cup is the new agreement that God makes with his people. This new agreement begins with my blood, which is poured out for youPulpit: B eginning in about the 9th century two desks called ambos were provided in Christian churches one for reading from the Gospels and the other for reading from the letters. The former, which became increasingly ornate, was the forerunner of the Pulpit. By the 13th century what could be called modern pulpits were being installed in Italian churches. The alter is traditionally at the east end of the Church. Often it is erected against a pillar and sometimes upon a short, freestanding base or slender column. Usually hexagonal or octagonal in form, it is serving as a decorative sounding board. English pulpits often gave two or three stories, with the lowest for a clerk, the middle one for a reading desk, and the third for the preaching of the sermon. There are also external, outdoor pulpits that are entered from within the church.Baptistery Pool: A Baptistery pool is only found inside Baptist churches only. It is believed that baptism was the door to the church. People are only baptised w hen they feel that they are ready to commit themselves to Christ. This is can be at any age, but sometimes the parents of a child will have their children baptised when they are young, the problem with this is that the child does not understand what is happening to them. At Grays Baptist Tabernacle there is a large baptistery pool, which is hidden. The Baptist pool is at the front of congregation so everyone can see the person being baptised. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 So go and make followers of all the people in the world. Baptise them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.Lectern: The Lectern is a reading desk to hold the Bible open. It is normally made out of wood or brass. Occasionally the Lectern is shaped like an eagle because this is a reminder to the people of Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 in the Old Testament who said that those who hope in the Lord will soar like an eagle. In high-church services the priest gives the gospel re ading in each service from the middle of the congregation but the other readings are given from the Lectern. At Grays Baptist Tabernacle the Lectern is found at the front of the congregation in front of the Communion table.The Bible: The Bible is a collection of Holy Scriptures, which members of that faith accept as authoritative. The Bible is often referred to as the Canon of scriptures. At Grays Baptist Tabernacle the Bible is always left open on the lectern.Stain Glass Windows: Stain glass windows are often found in historical and modern churches. Stained glass windows originally told Biblical stories; nowadays they are mainly pictures of Jesus, May, Saints and any other important Christian figures.Section BAll these features in the church help with worship in one form or another. I need to find out how they assist belief to do that I will write about every item listed in section A, plus I will ask 3 people to answer a questionnaire that I have created.The Cross-: The cross is th e main symbol for Christianity. A cross, in some shape or form, is likely to be found in a vast majority of church. The crucifix is a cross, which carries the figure of a dying Jesus. This symbolises the sufferings of Jesus by which Christians believe they are forgiven. Towards the end of Holy Week, the crucifixes is empty to indicate the Christian belief that Jesus is no longer on the cross but risen from the dead. In the church, the cross is used for people to concentrate on the death of Jesus. At Grays Baptist Tabernacle the cross is empty all year round to show that Jesus is alive.Communion Table: The communion table is where the bread and wine are placed for Communion. The table is laid to remind the church of the Last Supper as Jesus commanded his disciples. In some Christian churches, Holy Communion, or the Eucharist is the most important act of worship in which they take part. Holy Communion means Holy Sharing and refers to the service in which Christians share bread and win e with each other, and with God. As they do so they also share spiritually in the death of Jesus on the cross. Matthew chapter 26 verses 26-28 these words form the basis of Holy Communion today.Chalice: The Chalice is used during communion. After the priest blesses it, he hands them the chalice containing the wine. He says, The blood of Christ. The person replies each time Amen. The bread and wine are no more than just symbols and they remain so throughout the service unlike the High Church or the Catholic point of view.Baptistery Pool: The baptistery pool is used for adult and infant baptism. Parents who bring their child for a baptism believe that this ceremony marks the spiritual rebirth of their child as others renounce evil and repent on its behalf. Adult baptisms are mainly the same as child baptisms except the person chooses that he/she agree to the ways and the beliefs of Christ.Lectern: the lectern gives a special and respectful place for the Bible in the church, which eve ry member is familiar with. The lectern is used during the readings of passages from the Bible. It is shaped so that the Bible will not drop when reading; it is likely to cause a distraction during the service if the Bible is dropped. The Bible can be opened at the appropriate page and left on the lectern before the meeting so there is no time loss in finding the verses.The Bible: The Bible is the Holy Scripture, which is written to help the congregation understand the word of God. The Bible is very valuable to Christians, since it carries instructions given by the Lord. The Bible contains Gods authority on all aspects of belief and behaviour. In 2 Timothy chapter 3 verses 16-17 say All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teachings the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instructions for right living so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.Most church denominations believe that it is important to use quotes from the Bible when speaking to the people. Passages from the Bible are read in almost all Christian services as well as being used in sermons. Lay-people as well as the clergy can give these. During some services and sermons the priest takes one of the Bible passages which has been read earlier in the service and explains both its meaning and its teaching for Christian life today.Members of the congregation usually read the readings from the Old Testament. The reading from the Gospels, however, is usually read by the vicar to show its importance. The reason why the Gospels are treated differently is that they contain the only record of the birth, life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus. They are the foundation of the Christian faith. It is thought the other readings do not carry the authority or the importance, which is, attached to readings from the Gospel.Conclusion: In section B, I have tried to show how all the furnishings and fittings are used in Church lif e and how they relate to different Church festivals e.g. Christmas and Easter.Section 3In this part of my project I am going to be discussing whether I think that for a Christian, worship at home more important than worship at church?In todays world, when someone is speaking about church, most people think of it as a building. However church is not just a building but it is the congregation as well.In the New Testament, Acts 2 verse 41-47 it talks about the group of believers that became the new church. This shows that the most important part of the church is the people. In Greek Church means a gathering of people. Therefore, it does not really matter there you are or when you worship God. Some people believe that it is possible to worship God within your own home, in just the same way as you would in a Church, but the Bible says it is important to meet together. In the Old testament God told his people to remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. In the New Testament, the church was t old not to give up the habit of meeting together. However, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11 verse 17 that the meetings for worship actually do more harm than good. This is because some were being greedy and getting drunk.For a Christian, worship includes singing, prayer, preaching and Holy Communion. When you are taking communion, the priest or vicar blesses the bread and the wine and then gives it for you to consume. If you are worshiping at home you cannot do this but this does not stop you thinking about the Lord and Jesus. In spite of this some Christians do not believe you have to have a special person to bless the bread and the wine and therefore, they will take it at home with others.Additionally in a church you have more furnishings and features to help assist you worshipping God. For example, you might have an organ or other instruments to aid you whilst you are singing. I believe that it helps and encourages the congregation when there are a lot of people singing. It is also a good place for new songs to be easily introduced and so it keeps people interestedWhen people are worshipping in churches they are sometimes filled with the Holy Spirit or this is also known as the baptism of the Spirit. One of the gifts is to speak in a language known as tongues. Another is the power to heal the sick.Some people may prefer to worship in the comfort of their own home. This might be because they feel more comfortable. Today, most people have a television and so they can watch religious programmes designed to help them worship. If they were at Church they might also be embarrassed about singing and worshipping in front of everyone, but if they were at home alone they probably would not get so embarrassed. But in Psalm 149 it says sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the saints. Which says that you should praise God with other people and in Psalm 150 it says Praise God in his sanctuary which also means praise God in church.In a church, you usual ly get someone who preaches and tries to teach you about Christian life. At home, there is not a preacher and so you do not learn about as much about God and Christian way of loge as you do when you go to church. However, you could get books and tapes from the local Christian bookshop or over the Internet that would help you study the Bible.In conclusion, I think that you can worship in your own home but worshipping in a Church is more effective because you are around other Christians and you can talk to them about subjects, which help you worship God. I believe it is better to worship in church because you can talk about how you feel; an example of this is when someone feels upset and unhappy. They might have suffered a death in the family, enjoyed and perhaps receive prayer or help.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What is community work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
What is community work - Essay Example In community work a set of values are used along with related techniques, skills and approaches. The values are to do with justice, democracy, respect, love, empowering, and ââ¬Å"getting a better dealâ⬠for people who are in some way disadvantaged. The techniques include establishing relationships with such people, understanding how they see the world, finding ways to assist them to help themselves, and taking action to help them (Twelvetrees, 2001: 9). The term ââ¬Å"community developmentâ⬠which is often synonymous with ââ¬Å"community workâ⬠was adopted by many U.K. workers for projects that focused on local neighbourhood groups to set and meet their own needs, according to Smith (2006: infed web site). Community workers may be politically motivated from a socialist or feminist analysis of society, as in Britain during the 1970s and 1980s. On the other hand they may have simpler values such as concern about making the existing system work better for the poor, or intention to do some good in the world, states Twelvetrees (2001: 9). State-sponsored community work remains as a combination of care, economic development and service delivery improvement work, that developed during the 1980s and 1990s. Concern to cultivate community participation and local group life in England and Wales were translated into action by churches and religious groups (Smith, 2006: infed). Whatever their values, goals and existing skills, community workers must be prepared to learn new approaches, and utilize them in different circumstances to make community work more strategic, long-term and integral to the organizations that deliver it (Twelvetrees, 2001: 10-11). In the practice of community work, certain models are put to use, for achieving sustainable outcomes. Examples are: community action, community care, community development, community planning,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
HRM practice in USA and Russia Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
HRM practice in USA and Russia - Coursework Example Culture plays a significant role in terms of designing human resource management practice. HRM practice in Russia is highly distinct from that of USA. Socio-political nature and cultural context are different in these countries. This study shall be divided into two segments. In first part human resource management practices in Russia and USA will be analyzed and the second part shall deal with influencing factors affecting human resource management practice. Human resource management practice in United States is unique since the country focuses on acquiring talented individuals on board. The recruitment system which is implemented by the country is neither position based nor career based. Direct application procedure is utilized while recruiting for public sector. External applicants can easily apply for different organizational positions. In context of recruitment, no diversity policies are encouraged but more preference is given specifically to military veterans. Incentives or bonuses are formulated by agencies whereas pay-scale is structured by the government. Employment cost index is responsible for calculating base salary and there is no negotiation encouraged at collective or individual level. Salary level is adjusted on basis of seniority positions. Promotions at all possible staff level is on basis of qualifications. Performance appraisal scheme or experience is not considered to be vital factors when it comes to promotion (Paau we, 2004). Job postings are available to all employees and HR department or assessment centres are solely responsible for selection of applicants. Hierarchical grades are not taken into consideration while giving promotions. Coaching sessions are also hosted for promotion of disabled, women or other minority section. Internal mobility level is stable within United States. Training programs are organized for all team members
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Anlysis of the Lincoln Electric Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Anlysis of the Lincoln Electric Company - Essay Example The availability and prices for raw materials are subject to volatility and are affected by global economic conditions, speculative action, world supply and demand balances, inventory levels, availability of substitute materials, currency exchange rates, anticipated shortages and other factors. Other economic factors include exchange rate fluctuations and limits on the repatriation of monies (The Lincoln Electric Company online). Sociological factors affecting the industry include the absence of trained labor pools as young skilled labor pursue cleaner and safer jobs (Brat, 2006). On the technological front, increasing power ratings and continued improvements in beam quality and processes, such as remote welding, are expected to increase revenues. Advances in solid-state laser technology, including disc lasers and fiber lasers, are expected to foster growth trends (Frost & Sullivan online). In the environmental environment, the industry increasingly faces complicated environmental re gulations including those concerning air and water emissions and waste management. Lastly, factors in the legal environment that could affect the cutting and welding industry are lawsuits pressed by plaintiffs who develop neurological conditions caused by exposure to manganese contained in welding consumables. This industry also faces risk of exposure to product liability claims in the event that accidents or failures on projects result in bodily injury or property damage. Also, this industry is required to comply with a wide variety of conflicting foreign laws and regulations, import and export limitations, and exchange controls (The Lincoln Electric Company online). The intensity of rivalry in the cutting and welding industry is high. Lincoln Electric operates in a highly competitive global environment and competes with other broad line manufacturers and numerous smaller competitors specializing in particular products. Moreover, in the past decade, the United States arc welding industry faced fiercer foreign competition as low cost imports became more readily available. This foreign competition intensifies as the U.S. dollar depreciates in relation to other currencies. Suppliers have high bargaining power. The main raw material used in the cutting and welding industry is steel. Since 2003, the price of steel has increased substantially and there have been periodic shortages due to worldwide economic factors, including increased demand for construction materials in developing nations such as China and India. Customers have high bargaining power. The customers of the cutting and welding industry are the manufacturing and industrial sectors (The Li ncoln Electric Company online). The cutting and welding industry is fragmented and faces a consolidating end-user base. The barriers to entry are high. Rising labor costs and the decrease in the number of skilled welders together with the increased demand for high-precision welding is set to drive the adoption of welding robots. A sizeable capital investment is required to install automated equipment (Frost & Sullivan online). The threat of substitutes is low. Welding is still the dominant method of joining metals today (Lab Safety Supply online; The Lincoln Electric Company online). Lincoln Electric has a culture of innovation, technological leadership, and employee focus, which are also its strengths. Recognized as the "welding experts", Lincoln Electric provides leading technology
Friday, November 15, 2019
Review Of Im Nobody! Who Are You?
Review Of Im Nobody! Who Are You? Thesis Statement: Emily Dickinson poem, Im Nobody! Who Are You?, is successful on influencing readers that the best ideas can come from nothing. Introduction: I chose this as one of the famous poets known poem, which is found at Chapter 10.1, entitled: The Speaker (Persona) in a Poem. It can also be found from Thomas H. Johnsons (1960) Book of Complete Poems as its 288th entry: Im Nobody! Who are you? Are you- Nobody-Too? Then theres a pair of us! Dont tell! theyd advertise, you know. - How dreary-to be- Somebody! How public-like a frog- To tell ones name- the livelong June- To an admiring bog! What about the poems form, language, content, or other dimension do you find engaging?: I find engaging its genre of lyrical form, English language using informal diction and bearing a very good rhyme scheme (o sound in lines 1 and 2 with g in 6 and 8) with 2 stanzas. The theme shows how one can find the identity of self and gather the best ideas can come from only doing nothing. It uses the simile and metaphor figure of speeches, because it was able to compare or equate unlike things in similarity (Nobody vs Famous persons) and used the word like in line 6 in the second stanza. Moreover, to dissect the poem, when the word they was mentioned in line 4, wherein the poet was pertaining to famous people or any person situated in high levels the of society (Essay on Emily dickinson i am nobody! who are you? para. 1). With a very short content of only 8 lines, Dickinson was able to quickly reach out to others who would want to have the same privacy she experienced and also gain fruitful o utcomes from this choice. Doing this is actually not seen as usual in famous persons or high level situated bodies. How does the poems use of language compare to that of everyday speech?: I can say that in terms of both modern and classic writing on poetry, it still uses informal diction, though there certainly will be a difference in the use of words if one can write it today. To site a modern view on Dickinsons way of writing in the Im Nobody! Who Are You? poem, Jessica Writes (2007) wrote an online essay saying that, it is evident here that she is referring to a friend that she had relationships kept in private, but were foretold mostly by her corresponding letters. Indeed she is successful in her field. Wherein, she was productive during times she was alone, nursing the gardens inside their yard, writing poetry and reading. Since, she preferred to be named as an anonymous poet to her poems; it shows a personal assessment as A Nobody in the society, being a direct reflection of ideals as a non-conformist to the society. Its psychological nature are greatly affecting to people and objects geared towards seeing themselves in this way in life. With todays social pressures, even the smallest poem can help. Back in the old days, wherein classic literature are given birth to, renaissance and revolutions are greatly affected with writers who seek for a new beginning and freedom thru their writing skills. How do the differences and/or similarities between speech and poetic form affect your experience of the poem?: Domhnall Mitchell (2000), a very good critic of literature, mentioned in his book, that the poem Im Nobody! Who Are You? is a form of confessional poetry. Wherein, I agree with this thought. That is why it uses the simile and metaphor figure of speeches, because it was able to compare or equate unlike things in similarity, which is the Dickinson and akin others being the Nobody type of persons judged against the Famous type of persons (who would not likely to favor practices of a Nobody.) At first, a reader would have taught that Dickinson was talking about herself, but there is a quick turn of mood when the poem becomes about the reader. I find this interesting. This can be seen after the 1 line was said, which is a statement about Dickinsons poetic self, and then there is a following string of questions pertaining to the readers own selves. Lastly, the poems 2 immediate co ncerns are: the readers asking who we are, as well as the how is the relationship existing between the reader and the poet (pp. 157-158). Do these differences and/or similarities influence how you think or feel about the subject matter of the poem?: In terms of familiarity, I can say that this poem is reflective of Dickinsons life and not the persons she sites in her poem. It is more personal in nature. For instance, Arthur Versluis (2001), another very good critic of literature in history, mentioned the opinion of John Cody, in his own book, that her works are pronouncing of her madness as a result. That is why the poem, Im Nobody! Who Are You?, has certain negativity touch on it. It was also quoted, one will inevitably misunderstand and trivialize much of Emily Dickinsons life and poetry if one fails to grasp the full intensity of her suffering and the magnitude of her collapse. For this reason let me state at the onset my thesis that the crisis Emily Dickinson suffered following the marriage of her brother was a psychosis (p. 175). Conclusion: Yes, I agree that the best ideas can come from nothing. You can occupy your time with writing poetries like what Emily Dickinson is known for during her time. Yet, even if one decides a secluded life, society will hunt. Dickinsons writes in such a way that she dictates and forces the readers mind to think the same and view society like her opinion. The advantage I can see here is that it is leading to a self-evaluation and growth in uniqueness as individuals. On the other hand, a disadvantage of her way of writing (as well as thinking) is that it fails to show the right personality for an individual. When, maturity takes place, when one knows his or her purpose in life, then the best ideas can come in, one can make fruitful outcomes and one can reach success. Even the quietest moments or disturbing scenes takes self-confidence and trust, a parallel thought to both being a Nobody and a Famous person.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Love and Hatred of a not so different kind :: essays research papers
Tossed into the lockers Michael slides to the linoleum in pain. Not so much in his body, but in his heart. Foot, boots, shoes, all a blur jab into his stomach and groin, causing bright flashes to erupt in his head. His towel, ripped from around his body, he lay there naked. Vulnerability and shame paint his face along with silent tears that refuse to give his nemesis the satisfaction that they want. Closing his eyes he comes to the realization that no one will rescue him from his torment. Everyone in the locker room is involved. Fellow peers he had once known, shared confidences with, participated in the beating or stood watching from each side of him, cheering on Michael's attackers. Leaving their friend to suffer the blows. Michael looks up. Each boy stares evilly at him, hatred pouring from their eyes and dripping on to him, burning him, scolding his tender flesh. The words, more powerful then any knives and guns they could've used. Fag, queer, and other names are hurled at him like stones. How the others had found out he was gay was beyond his knowledge. He had been so secretive and eluded all the so-called gestures and behavior that would have made him the target of others, yet they had found out his secret. Nothing hurt him more then the words. Being deaf would have been easier than to face this. He longed for Travis, his boyfriend, to be here with him then the barrage of blows. I'm glad he's not here to witness this, he thinks to himself, giving him joy and satisfaction in a time like this. Saying a prayer to God he relaxes, preparing to be taken soon by His arms to a place far away from here, a place where he could be himself and not pretend anymore. Letting go would be so easy. Then I can finally rest. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the beating was over. Unbelieving he looked up into the eyes of his attackers, begging them silently. "You fag. We don't like your kind here." The boy pulled Michael to his feet, supporting him for he could no longer do it himself. His icy blue eyes pierced into Michael's soul. "Don't ever let me catch you in here. You need to go into the girl's locker room you queer. I don't want you looking at us.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Disabled Monologue
Disabled Monologue Setting: [Fruit Man walks to the center of the stage] Fruit Man:I remember the day he left and the day he returned. Crowds cheered him off but only a few welcomed him home. The fact was that nobody had cared enough to go out of their way to see the negative aspects of the war they once had encouraged. I saw them return, one by one, leaving the ships, almost all of them broken in a way, physically or mentally. They deserved thanks, so I gave them fruits, an action that would mean little when they left, but means the world to them now.This soldier, I was there as he went and came, and I have seen everything. Today, unlike a year ago, no big welcome home for them. They were not welcomed home as they had expected they would be. Thousands came to send them off and cheer them on. Soldiers happily marching down the streets, waving to cheering crowds, accepting flowers from pretty girls. Some cheeky soldiers may even steal a kiss here and there. It was so joyous, proud and honourable. Everything was rosy and good. Everyone thought it would be a short war and a happy one and of course we will win.No one gave a thought about anyone getting hurt or killed. He had once been so young and virile. Now he is crippled, unattractive. He had been foolish when he was young; the media persuaded him that the war was glorious, fun and glamorous. It was cool wearing an army uniform and carrying a rifle. It was exciting, an adventure and maybe returning a hero with a medal. AAH, the pretty girls and the kisses, the good things to come. The young soldier isnââ¬â¢t thinking about getting hurt or killed. Then, the reality! It is wrong that society does not appreciate the hardships and sacrifices that were made on their behalf.Almost none of the soldiersââ¬â¢ work was grand, glorious or fun. Their work was necessary. Most of this work goes against what we cherish in our society. We were taught that ââ¬Ëlife is valuableââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëviolence is badââ¬â¢. This war, a war nobody wants. He was such a handsome man, a ladies man before he joined the army. Now, broken, haggard and older than his real age. No women will look twice at him. They much prefer healthy ones. Heroes are strong and big. Heroes do not get injured. Girls do not want to be with cripples. How he must hate this.He used to get so much attention from the girls. What a hopeless life. He does not want pity or disgust. He wants admiration and love. Memories can be so cruel. It is quite depressing to see that he will be sent to an army hospital. I am sure experiments after experiments will be done trying to fix him until they decide that they are nothing they can do for him. He will be discharged and live alone on government handouts. What a terrible life lies ahead. He will be alone, helpless and he will never experience the love of a woman or have a family. The poor man, how much he has LOST.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Uses of The
The Uses of The The Uses of ââ¬Å"Theâ⬠The Uses of ââ¬Å"Theâ⬠By Maeve Maddox A reader has a question about the use of the definite article the: I have been searching without success for a good and thorough explanation of how and when to use the. I have an Iranian friend, and his English is excellent, save for his use of the. Neither he nor I have been able to find anything that clearly and comprehensively explains all of the different uses. Any suggestions? I doubt any source can be found that explains ââ¬Å"all of the different uses of the clearly and comprehensively.â⬠One researcher has called the English article system a psychomechanism, ââ¬Å"a system through which native speakers use articles correctly but unconsciously.â⬠The misuse of the does not impede communication, but it is a clue that an email purporting to be from an English-speaking friend supposedly stranded in a foreign country is a scam. The only suggestion I can offer about the use of the is that the secret lies in the concepts of definiteness and countability. Definiteness A noun has ââ¬Å"definitenessâ⬠when there is something unique or specific about it. Here are some examples: The sun was worshipped by the ancient Aztecs. (In this context, sun is uncountable) The driver found an injured cat. He took the cat to an animal clinic. (First itââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"a cat,â⬠one among many. Once mentioned, itââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"the cat,â⬠the specific cat that was picked up by the motorist.) Sheââ¬â¢s waiting for the bus. (In this context, ââ¬Å"the busâ⬠is a service.) Other examples: We took the train to Chicago. I prefer the telephone to email. The Salvation Army feeds the hungry and ministers to the poor. (The is used with adjectives that are used as nouns to denote a group.) Countability Nouns are said to be countable or uncountable. Other terms are count nouns and noncount nouns. Because countable nouns can be counted, they have a singular and a plural form: one cat, two cats. The difficulty with this category is that some nouns can be both countable and uncountable, depending on context. Compare: Major crops are cotton and rice. Fido takes the cotton out of all his toys. You prepare the salad and Iââ¬â¢ll cook the rice. I donââ¬â¢t much care for coffee. They ordered three coffees and a tea. Here, you take the coffee. I donââ¬â¢t want it. His brother is still looking for work. She quit her job because she didnââ¬â¢t like the work. ESL speakers struggling with the uses of the will benefit from the use of a dictionary designed for them. Regular dictionaries donââ¬â¢t always categorize nouns as to count and noncount, but beginnersââ¬â¢ dictionaries do. Nouns that are usually noncount can be learned according to certain categories. For example: Agricultural crops: coffee, rice, sugar, etc. Natural phenomena: rain, snow, gravity, etc. Liquids: water, wine, blood, etc. Abstractions: honesty, courage, intelligence, etc. The British Council site offers a thorough discussion of the uses of the. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Based in" and "based out of"Homogeneous vs. HeterogeneousUsing Writing Bursts to Generate Ideas and Enthusiasm
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Analytical Paper
Analytical Paper APN is a diversified media company that engages in activities such as newspaper publishing, radio broadcasting, and outdoor advertising. The company is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.For fiscal 2004, APN generated revenues of AU$1.3 billion ($979.0 million), a 12.2% increase over the previous year's revenues of AU$1.1 billion ($872.2 million). The company reported a net profit of AU$128.3million ($97.9 million) in 2004, representing a 24% increase over 2003's net profit of AU$103.5 million ($79.0 million).Business DescriptionAPN is a diversified media company. It operates in three segments: publishing, radio, and outdoor advertising.The company publishes around 24 daily and over 90 non-daily newspapers throughout Australia and New Zealand. In Australia, it serves the regions of Queensland and northern New South Wales. In New Zealand, APN operates the New Zealand Herald, which has a daily readership of 603,000 people aged over 15, as well as a number of regional and community news papers and mass-market magazines.English: Anika Moa in Invercargill,NZ - 19 March 2...APN also operates printing businesses, as well as a security plastics company.APN's radio broadcasting activities consist of investments in around 12 metropolitan radio stations in Australia and 105 radio stations in New Zealand. It manages a joint venture, the Australian Radio Network (ARN), with Clear Channel Communications, a radio broadcaster in the US.APN operates outdoor advertising categories such as posters, street furniture, transit, and supersites. It also runs outdoor businesses in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The company's major outdoor businesses include Transit, Supersites, Rainbow, Kurnia, and Street Furniture.AnalysisAPN has links back to the pioneer newspaper families that brought a free press to the developing parts of Australia in the 1850s. These families consolidated their printing interests in 1968 to form Provincial Newspapers.In 1988, the company was acqu ired by Independent Newspapers of Ireland and changed its...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Case in Marketing Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
In Marketing - Case Study Example Over the years, it has extended its business in each and every subcontinent. It has been observed that Danone has around 90,000 employees throughout the world and it has operated its business in 120 countries in three core segments. Apart from dairy products, it has biscuits and beverages amid its offerings of globally renowned products (Danone,â⬠Our Missionâ⬠). According to research, it has been found that the organisation has used a few pertinent strategies to ensure a significant command on the global market. Throughout the last century, it has operated its marketing activities in a competitive global marketplace. Apart from core segment including food and beverages, Danone has found competition from Nestle, Pepsi and Coca-Cola among others. In order to compete with the concurrent leading players, it has upheld quality as a prime factor in its offerings. With these considerations, the study intends to critically evaluate a key issue faced by the Danone Company in its operations in the past few years. Subsequently, in keeping with the analysis made regarding the issue faced by the company certain prudent recommendations or solution will be offered to ensure that the issue does not linger on and create even severe hurdles for the company in the near future. During the phase of 1990s, Danone had emerged as one of the worldââ¬â¢s leading and renowned food companies. It had taken 40 years of time to achieve that peak in the global market. However, before that phase Danone had failed to capture the China market during the initial entrance. It had faced several difficulties during that stage. In this regard, it is determined that Danone has been significantly reliant on the supply of baby milk from the New Zealand exporter of wholesale daily products namely Fonterra. Unfortunately, during 2013, a warning related to bacterial infection was provided by
Friday, November 1, 2019
Auditor scepticism is an increasing concern for the profession and Essay
Auditor scepticism is an increasing concern for the profession and stakeholders of UK Companies - Essay Example Despite of that, some companies still comes up with unreal data and manages to evade tax. According to reports, the major reason behind this phenomenon is the reduced scepticism level among the auditors. In UK, due to reduced scepticism among the auditors, stakeholders are finding it difficult to make proper decision pertaining to investment. As before investing, it is essential for the stakeholders to have confidence in the companies where they are investing. Therefore to get deep insights about the issue, the report will emphasize on how auditor scepticism is becoming a cause of concern for the stakeholders of the companies based on UK. In addition the report will also cover the areas associated with auditor scepticism. Finally based on the findings of the study, a conclusion will be drawn and recommendations regarding how auditorââ¬â¢s scepticism can be improved will be made. Auditor scepticism can be defined as the level of cynicism that an auditor needs to employ while conducting an audit. The notion became prominent in recent times when issues such as banking crisis came in the limelight. The regulatory authorities have raised question on the auditing firms on whether they demonstrated the level of scepticism needed to carry out an audit (Kan, 2007). Similarly in UK, the stakeholders of the companies are getting increasingly concerned about the low level of scepticism among the auditors. In addition to this, the auditing profession is also getting negatively impacted. According to auditing standards (ISA 200) professional scepticism is defined as an attitude that includes a questioning mind, being alert to conditions which may indicate possible misstatement due to error or fraud, and a critical assessment of audit evidence (PCAOB, 2010). Based on this definition, it can be identified that scepticism has high influence on the scope of the work. In addit ion, it also help the auditorââ¬â¢s to analyse the findings of audit thereby concluding whether appropriate evidences has been acquired for proving whether accounts are depicting true and fair view. There is a belief about the fact that a sceptical mind set and attitude is essential for an audit to be rigorous and carried out with a professional care. Scepticism is also important as it plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of an audit. On the other hand too much scepticism negatively impacts the audit process. Hence a right balance of scepticism is necessary for an audit. However there is no predefined or standard degree of scepticism required to put into practice (Financial Reporting Council, 2010). The principal objective an audit is to enable that the auditors provide an outlook on the financial statements. The purpose is also to provide reasonable declaration that the
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